09 April 2008

Making a Fashion Statement

**Just a note, if you're a reader of my principle blog then you'll have already seen my post for today... if you're not familiar with the pictures I am talking about, you can see them in the archives at:

Since it's Grand Rounds Wednesday and not a clinical day for me, and since in this blog I am focusing on my photography, I thought I would take a few minutes to highlight the photographer for the majority of the seal pictures I have been using to make the graphics on my principle blog the last several days.

Nigel Barker is better known as a judge on "America's Next Top Model" reality show, but he has been a fashion photographer for many years after having been a model himself.  This year, the Humane Society of America named him as a spokesman for the Protect Seals 2008 Campaign.  The pictures I have used come from his website  Nigel Barker and the ones that he shot which are used on the HSUS.org website.

He traveled to Newfoundland to visit the harp seal nursery and took amazing photos, then returned a couple of weeks later to catch the "molting" fluffy white pups.  Unfortunately, his last entry chronicles the return trip several days later when he captured images of the hunt.

As an animal lover, and junior photographer, I hope there will come a day when trips by boat to Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence carry eco-tourists instead of hunters, because I certainly will be one of those that signs up to see what must be an awe-inspiring sight.

Tomorrow, it's back the ED for my next block of shifts.  The schedule will be more physiologically tolerable, a pseudo "swing shift" from the early afternoon to late evening.  We'll see what the day/night brings.

03 April 2008

Picaboo - I See You

I found this fun website while trying to find digital scrapbooking ideas for my wedding photos.  It's one of those "Make your own book" type programs, and I really like it.  It's simple to use, has many features, and I thought the books were reasonably priced.  Here's the link to the book I made for my mother ($39.95 for 20 pages plus shipping):
My Mom's Book

And, here's the link to their website where you can download the free program:

Have fun, and enjoy!  If you make one... make sure to share!