The original picture of Winston, my male cat, was in color. I printed out a black and white version that came out with a greenish hue. Since he's a boy, I thought the blue would be appropriate and added the green to bring out the picture. I like this "paw prints" punch I found for accents.
""VERY Playful" That's what the sign on your cage said. Of course, I didn't see that until I had already signed the adoption papers. Not that it's made any difference. You are the "social one." You are the "greeter." You are the "playful one." And, I am so happy you're mine."
"Loveable little ball of fur."
1 comment:
i have tried to do scrapbooking, but i am so afraid after i paste it down, i will want to change it. i love the page you created. the blue writing underneath was difficult to read until i highlighted it.
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